Team OAM Now Riders Help Ann Arbor Velo Club with Spring Training Series and Beginner Racer Program

April 10th, 2015 by Team OAM NOW / Athletic Mentors

By Terry Ritter, Team OAM Now Cyclist

USA Cycling has initiated a program aimed at getting new racers into the sport, and Team OAM NOW athletes are there to help. Through the organization of Lucas Wall, the Ann Arbor Velo Club Spring Training Series will host the Beginner Racer Program starting April 12th, with Team OAM NOW Developmental Director and Masters racer Terry Ritter, and new Elite team member Collin Snyder there to mentor and lend a hand.

b  fest 4The USA Cycling Beginning Racer Program (BRP) is designed to provide new racers with an enjoyable and educational experience as they learn to race their bike. The objective of the BRP is to inspire and educate new riders, thus leading to safer, more enjoyable racing experiences.

The BRP is modeled off of the highly successful Northern California Early Bird Racing Series. Established approximately 30 years ago, the Early Bird Racing Series serves over 1,000 racers annually and is the culmination of many years of hard work from USA Cycling coaches.

The BRP is broken down into five separate clinics, with each clinic holding a unique and progressive curriculum.  Each clinic is comprised of three components: 1) on-bike instructional clinic 2) mentored race and 3) race debrief.


The five components of the curriculum are:

  1. Basic Pack Skills – Protecting Your Front Wheel
  2. Cornering – Choosing and Holding Your Line
  3. Pack Awareness & Skills
  4. Sprinting Basics
  5. Bringing it All Together

Team Ride 2014

For new racers, the USA Cycling BRP is a great way to learn the skills and dynamics of bike racing in a safe and none intimidating environment.  Whether you are a young junior rider or a master’s athlete, the BRP will guide you step by step through how to race without the pressure of doing it in a competition. It’s also a great way to move up a category as each clinic awards 2 points towards the 10 points needed to upgrade.

For more information about the BRP, check out the USAC site here.

For more information about the Ann Arbor Velo Club BRP, check out the AAVC STS site here.


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