About TAM Jr. Development

Team Athletic Mentors Junior Development (TAMJD) is focused on athletes between the grades of 8-12. The team provides an avenue for junior athletes to ride, race, and train with other junior athletes who are similarly motivated and share athletic goals. Team Athletic Mentors Junior Development athletes are more serious about their sport than many student athletes and are interested in developing their skill to a level beyond which the scholastic cycling structure can adequately facilitate. Team Athletic Mentors Junior Development offers that upgraded challenge and support to these young athletes in several ways.

Team membership offers exposure to different cycling disciplines. Interested cyclists can be guided and supported through opportunities in mountain, gravel, road, and cyclocross events. Exposure to a more competitive field of racers is available through travel to National and UCI events, where the team staff and parents support the athletes with supervision, mechanical, and logistical support. 

The team offers discounted, high quality, professional level personal coaching to each athlete. Weekly individualized and age appropriate training plans, event strategies, and nutritional information can be provided based on each athlete’s unique personal, training, and racing goals and needs.

Team membership provides opportunities to ride with teammates who will advance the Junior athlete’s ability in many areas, including speed, skill, and race strategy. This occurs not only in group training rides, but also during race events. More advanced and older athletes on the team are encouraged to mentor Junior athletes in ride and race settings.

The team also develops Junior members’ leadership, responsibility, and professionalism. Athletes sign a contract at the beginning of the season and are required to wear a complete team kit whenever riding with or racing for the team. They are called upon to represent their team in a professional manner and to participate in volunteer services in the local community.

Another area in which Team Athletic Mentors Junior Development affords capacity for growth in Junior athletes is by contributing to their emotional development. Team members model and encourage good sportsmanship, support for teammates, and how to persevere in the face of extreme challenges. Junior athletes learn how to compete with some of their closest friends, while also learning to support one another on and off the race course. 

Ultimately, Team Athletic Mentors Junior Development encourages growth in young athlete’s personal character and cycling ability, with the goal of providing a greater junior experience to prepare them for college and other life challenges. 




Team Athletic Mentors
© 2025 - Team Athletic Mentors