The Best Day Ever- Barry Roubaix From a 9 Year Old’s Perspective

April 7th, 2015 by Erin Young

By Hunter Fisk

This was my first year riding the Barry Roubaix and it was the BEST day ever. I loved riding this race so much and I can’t wait to do it again next year. I rode the Barry Roubaix Course for the first time one week before the race and it was really hard. There are a lot of hills! My mom and my coach Erin said to ride the hills easy and to pace myself, but never stop on them. On the first hills, I didn’t believe them. But I fell over on one and learned why I should never stop on a hill. I also wanted to ride really fast in the start, but they said I can’t ride fast until the last five miles. I learned that on this course, conserving my energy was important!

On race day I wasn’t nervous at all, I was really excited. When we started there were hundreds of people. On the first three hills lots of people were walking but I knew I could ride all the hills, because I did the week before. I know never to get off my bike on a hill and to rest on the downhill. I got to eat Hammer Gel and someone at the aid station gave me one with caffeine! My mom never lets me have caffeine but I made me have lots of energy to go fast!

I can’t wait to do Barry Roubaix again next year! I plan to train hard and finish in 1:30.


A few words from Coach Erin…

I rode the Barry Roubaix on race day with Hunter. Hunter was an absolute joy to ride with. His enthusiasm never let down even when his legs grew tired. Riders and spectators over the course cheered for Hunter like he was a movie star. He clearly inspred more than just myself. I had just had my first baby, 9 weeks prior to the Barry Roubaix. I had been active in athletics since I learned to throw a ball. Not being able to race a huge event like the Barry Roubaix was a little sad for me. Hunter gave me the oppertunity to contribute to the sport without having to race that day. Seeing someone else enjoy the day as much as I did brought me so much more joy than actually racing the event… and a LOT less soreness! Hunter rode extremely well and learned to use his gears effectively. I have no doubt that this young man has the fire to train for next year’s event and reach his goal of 1:30!


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