Mike Krywanski

Primary Discipline: Masters 55+, Road Cat 2
Other Disciplines:
Birth Year: 1950
City Of Residence: Rockford
Favorite Race: Without a doubt the masters national road championships. The best in the country usually show up and you normally find yourself lined up with former pros, olympians and national champs.

Biggest Accomplishments

Although I have won many races, finishing third in the road race and time trial at masters nationals is probably tops.


Have fun! Unless you aspire to become a professional and make your living riding a bike, don't put too much pressure on yourself and don't get depressed if your results do not match your expectations. Being able to ride fast with a group of friends is it's own reward.

If I'm Not Competing...

Renovating our cottage in Charlevoix.

One Thing You Don't Know About Me:

How many bikes I have hanging on the wall.

“To win you must risk losing”  – Eddie Mercyx


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